Monday, September 7, 2009

Fun pics, and crazy happenings

Hey all, it has been an exciting week! Can't believe it is already September 7th. Well, last week was eventful. Monday we worked on a Westcliffe Ranch all day, where the boys got to drive tractors all day. We helped out a wonderful lady in the community who needed help on her ranch. We worked from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., but she fed us well, and we got to get a taste (literally) of ranching life in the valley. We also hit up a Rockies game which was a blast, and celebrated Lauren Parliaments birthday right there in the stands! It was awesome. We also hosted a retreat of families this past weekend at Horn Creek from Colorado Springs as well. It is always a blessing to see families being renewed in God's creation. Here are a few picture highlights!

Happy Birthday to Lauren!
Summiting the 4th 14er of the day, with a few root beers!

The boys having fun on the tractor!

At the Ranch, with Elin the owner on the left, and JT in the cowboy hat!

The intern crew in Breckenridge

Grillin at a Horn Creek grill out to say goodbye to summer staff, and welcome the interns!

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