Thursday, August 13, 2009

Here We Go: Firehose!

Hello, my name is Jeff Fox. I direct the internship here at Horn Creek. My wife Leslie and I, along with Sara West have been praying and planning for this week for a long time now. We, along with the whole Horn Creek Staff Team are so excited to have the interns here.

Indeed, our internship at Horn Creek is a key component of our ministry here. We can't wait to pour into the lives of these young adults. We are also excited to watch them engage in ministry themselves and grow in their relationship with Christ. A key verse that truly captures our heart for the internship is 1 Thessalonians 2:8, where Paul says, "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us." We will be living, working, playing and serving right along with these kids this year, and we could not be more excited.

Our interns have come from all over, including Texas, South Carolina, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Kansas, Nevada, Michigan, South Dakota, and Colorado. Some of the colleges represented are Biola University, Gordon College, Taylor University, Kansas University and more. We are so excited about how God has put together this team!

So, what is happening this week with the Interns?

This week we are frantically trying to get all the interns up to speed, as well as say goodbye to all of our wonderful summer staff that have led our ministry this summer. The first night the interns arrived, we took them to our end of the summer celebration for our summer staff. Though half of them could barely keep their eyes open, we thought this would be a great way for them to get a picture of some of the amazing things that Christ did in the lives of the summer staff. It was an awesome night of sharing, laughter, and tears.

The interns are also getting trained in many areas of camp this week, including cooking, maintenance, recreation activities, programming, ministry opportunities in town, as well as getting an over all picture of our ministries here at Horn Creek. Horn Creek has several key ministries including Family Camp, Youth Camp, Campus Crusade partnerships, Volunteer Ministries, and of course our ministry to summer staff and interns. Indeed this is a firehose week for them, but they have responded very well.

We had an opportunity to hike up to a mountain lake this week with the interns. They all did incredible. It was a perfect day, the flowers were amazing, and there is noting like a mountain lake in the summer time! We also got to experience Westcliffe's culture and went to the local Pizza place and ice cream shop. Driving across town in Westcliffe is a bit of an ordeal....Just kidding.... It takes about 2 minutes actually! Friday we will take a trip to Salida for a bit of Colorado culture, then the interns will participate in our closing night for our family camps this week and then have a barbeque with all the full time staff on Saturday after helping turn the camps with our summer staff crew.

In the next week, we will start our classes, take a retreat, start a kids club in town, begin hosting and leading retreats at camp, and connect our interns with mentors.

We will do our best to keep you all updated this year as to the happenings with our intern team. The interns themselves will be updating this blog from time to time, sharing their own thoughts and experiences as the year goes along. Thanks for tuning in!

-Jeff Fox
Internship Director