Friday, September 25, 2009


So this post might be a little different. Well, false. Will be. When we started this blog, Jeff mentioned that it was a place for a lot of things; a place for pictures and stories, a place for revelations and updates. And a place to share our hearts.

These few verses have been on my heart a lot lately:

How long will you love delusions and seek false gods? Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself; the Lord will hear when I call to him.
-Psalm 4: 2b-3

It's funny, all through the psalms David talks about his enemies, asking God to protect him, to come to his aid. I've often found myself wishing that my own enemies were as concrete as his. Mostly, my enemies are within myself. My enemies, and my false gods, are not armies or warriors, and they're not items made of wood or stone. My enemy is my pride, my false gods are my selfishness and need for control. (Really, the list could go on.) And it's funny how easy they are to dismiss, right? To rationalize. I'm not bowing down to anything; I'm not going to any temples. But my time, my thoughts, my life say something different. I'm chasing the counterfeit; loving delusions and seeking false gods.

This year, for me, is slowly becoming less and less about finding direction. (My original reason for taking a year of service.) More and more, it's becoming about finding the legitimate...about meeting God on this mountain and chasing Him alone. And I'm in luck! (Though luck has nothing to do with it.) Because amid all the distractions, and all my failings, the Lord is waiting.

The Lord will hear when I call to him.
